Last week was full of drama at Tribal Council. Reynold won immunity, Malcolm found a hidden immunity idol and gave his other hidden idol to Eddie. This created one of the most exciting Tribal’s to date and Phillip, the leader of Stealth, was sent home.
Survivor Auction
Andrea spends $280 for a covered item that turns out to be a beautiful pasta meal, but Jeff gives her the option to trade that in for rice and beans for the tribe. To me it’s no question, you always choose the rice & beans, and thankfully Andrea does that too. Next up is an advantage for the next immunity challenge. Reynold shoots out with $300, but Cochran gets it for $340. Another sealed item which Eddie tries to start at $20 but Brenda immediately ups to $300, and turns out to be pig brains. Arguably the most important item is up next: letters from home. Jeff hands them out for $20 each, an easy bargain but unfortunate for Dawn, Sherri, and Malcolm who have spent all their money already. Eddie buys a giant tub of peanut butter for $200 which is shared with the whole tribe for 60 seconds.
Turn Overs
All of a sudden, Erik has begun talking to the camera. With Phillip gone, he’s immediately started to open up and get televised, and decided to possibly vote with the Three Amigos counter-alliance. Morale in camp is really low with everyone hungry, upset, and generally miserable. Perfect time for a Survivor Food Auction!
After the auction everyone sits on a blanket on the beach and reads their letters. Cochran gets emotional which he’s surprised by and Sherri starts contemplating turning to the counter alliance. Reynold reveals they want to knock out Cochran because he’s strategic. Don’t get rid of my favourite! Early the next morning Malcolm wakes up to go dig for the idol when Andrea follows him creating a standoff which is a little awkward but also so cute because they both know it’s silly.
Immunity Challenge
At the start they’re all holding one third of the body weight they started with at the beginning of the season. I love that it isn’t the same weight for everyone because that would be utterly unfair. After the second knot Cochran uses his advantage so he’s back at the top of the rope, keeping it light to conserve energy. He’s a strategic one, isn’t he! Brenda and Erik drop out of the challenge on the last knot. Sherri leaves the challenge as they run out of knots. Only Cochran has knots left. Malcolm and Andrea leave next as Jeff calls to each person still in it to dig for strength. I love that he really tries to support all of them. It’s down to Reynold, Eddie, and Cochran. I never would have expected Cochran to be one of the final three in a strength challenge. Reynold drops out and Eddie’s hand soon slips. Cochran has won a physical strength immunity challenge!
Tribal Council
Reynold and Malcom continue to try getting Erik and Sherri to switch and vote for them. Andrea, Cochran, and Dawn discuss how to vote. Malcolm is pretending to have the hidden immunity idol so they split the votes, but what if they see through that? Everything is very up in the air with both Sherri and Erik thinking they have all the power.
Next Episode, the alliance of six considers whether to vote off Brenda or Dawn first.