Interview with Joanne Brothwell – Author of Silencing Breath

Joanne BrothwellJoanne Brothwell has released the second novel in the Stealing Breath series, the review of which you can read by following this link. Needless to say, I had a few questions afterwards, and Joanne was gracious enough to help satisfy my curiosity. Read on to find out more about the next book, what city Joanne would like to visit, and which reality TV show she’d like to be part of. You can follow her on Twitter @JoanneBrothwell.

Last time we spoke, you mentioned that you were for sure going to have three books in the series, but might continue it. Are you sticking with three or expanding the series?

At this point it is going to be three. If for some reason, it became wildly popular and people started demanding more, I would definitely reconsider.

On that same topic, I know I’m already impatient for the next book… is it too soon to ask about the title and publication date?

Saving Breath is the title of the final book and it will likely be published in March 2014.

Could you give us a bit of a teaser?

A teaser…. Hmm. Sarah never gives up on Evan and hopes there is a cure for his particular predicament, but she also has to come to the difficult realization that some things have irrevocably changed. How’s that for vague?

Very well done! Did any particular character surprise you while writing Silencing Breath?

Alesandro is quite vile. I knew he was evil when I set out to write the book, but I couldn’t believe how dark things got. That was definitely a surprise to me.

Yeah… you really upped the creep factor with Silencing Breath. I know you did some research on skinwalkers for Stealing Breath, but what additional research did you have to do for Silencing Breath?

Yes I did up the creep factor, didn’t I? I researched necromancy and black magic for this book and wanted the spells and incantations to be really… um, gross. 

Well, mission accomplished. Also, I really liked Alex. Can we look forward to seeing him in the next book – and if it’s not too spoilery – is he intended to be a bit of competition for Evandro with Sarah?

Alex has a big part in book three, and he starts being a bit of competition for Evan. There are quite a few relationship triangles in the final book!

Can’t wait! Now, for some off-topic questions:

What was the last book you read?

The last book I read was Reflected in You by Sylvia Day.

Care to share what you thought about it?

I like Sylvia Day’s writing style – very hot and sexy. Her characters are intriguing and I enjoy how they struggle with their inner demons both internally and in their relationships with one another.

If you could be on any reality TV show, which would you pick?

Dancing with the Stars. Wouldn’t it be awesome to be a professional dancer and work with movie and TV stars? What a life!

Anywhere in the world, name a city you’d like to visit.

I would love to see Friuli, Italy, the location where Evan and Stefano were born. I wrote about the city and surrounding area quite extensively in book three and had to use my imagination for all of it. It would be so great to see some of the old architecture and landscapes I wrote about in such detail.

What is your strategy for fighting off writer’s block?

I just keep writing. I don’t really have writers block anymore, because I know that it is a mindset. It’s kind of like, “Fake it ’til you make it!”

Great philosophy! Do you ever listen to music when you write, and if so, what songs or artists are on your playlist?

No, I have to have complete silence when I write. But I listen to music in my car and I love Maroon 5, Rihanna, Mumford & Sons, Mackelmore and Swedish House Mafia.


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