Interview with Band of the Week: This Wild Life

This Wild Life


We had a chance to chat with our Band of the Week This Wild Life! Check out what they have to say!

 How did you pick the name This Wild Life?

“Coming up with a band name is way harder than you would think. When you have a name that nobody hates, you kinda just go with it. It kind of plays off our love for wildlife animals, and it’s kind of sarcastic in a way that we live a pretty “mild” life at times. We’re not big party dudes, so it’s kind of a funny name in that regard.”

How would you describe your sound?

“Our acoustic side is definitely influenced by Dashboard Confessional and City and Colour. The reason I learned to play guitar and sing was because of Dashboard, and Chris Carrabba is one of my favorite song writers to this day. We put our own spin on things, but we don’t write songs to be innovative. We write songs because we love music, and we love the connection that people can make with it.”

You are about to embark on an acoustic tour with Rival Summers, what was the inspiration for the tour being acoustic?

“We’ve gotten a ton of requests to play acoustic shows, and Rival Summers is acoustic based, so we figured it would work really well for this tour.” 

What part of tour are you most excited for?

“We’re excited for all the shows to be honest. We’ve never toured acoustically, and the response online has been great so far. Can’t wait to have some singalongs and meet some fans we’ve never played for before.”

When you aren’t playing shows, or touring, what do you do for fun?

“Anthony and I both love TV shows and movies, so we spend a lot of time watching that kind of stuff. That’s where the “Mild” life comes in I guess. Honestly, we enjoy playing music more than anything else.”

Was there ever a time you thought about giving up on music and joining the “real world”?

“That thought has to come to every musician at some point or another, but you have to just weigh your options and follow your heart. Personally, I have a lot of trouble focusing on or pursuing things that I’m not passionate about, and the only thing I truly love is music. Anthony has neck and hand tattoos so he’s pretty much shit out of luck with the “real world” haha.”

What is one thing you absolutely have to have in your van on tour?

“Sun block and hand sanitizer. Anthony and I are pretty anal about protecting our tattoos, and living in a van is disgusting, so you’ve gotta be able to stay clean and healthy.”

If the band was a typical family, what role would each member have? (Mother, father, brother, etc.)

“That’s funny, cause I think Anthony plays more of a Father role in terms of being assertive with the direction he wants to go. That being said, I definitely have a corny Dad sense of humor. I guess we’re just a couple of Dads playing acoustic guitars.”

Do you guys have any big plans, other than this upcoming tour, for the spring/summer?

“Well, we’re hoping to tour a lot more this year. We’d love to get out to the East Coast and play for some fans that haven’t seen us yet. Besides that, we’re hoping to record a full length this year.”

What/who is your biggest musical inspiration?

“Anthony’s favorite band is Blink 182, and my favorite band is Thrice. We sound nothing like them, but their songwriting has inspired us both to be musicians so I’m sure they’ve left their mark with us in some way.”

And last but not least, since we’re am from Honest Reviews Corner, what is your honest review of the Toy Story trilogy?

“I actually fell asleep in Toy Story 3 IMAX. There goes that “Mild” life again haha. I loved the first two though! Anthony actually has a tattoo of Woody and Buzz on his leg, he’s crazy about anything Pixar or Dreamworks.”

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