Honest Reviews Interview with Grace Valerie


Here is our fun “honest reviews” interview with pop artist Grace Valerie, check out our older interview with her here.

Give us your Honest Review on:

Harry Potter“I love HP!! Each book is incredible! Each movie is breathtaking! I would definitely make my kids read it and watch it lol”

High School“It’s so much fun! The best part is that you are starting your social life in Highschool. Building strong relationships with your friends, first date, first kiss. Oh how I miss those years!! :)”

Justin Bieber“I respect him so much! Justin is a great artist, great voice, great dancer. He isn’t afraid to experiment and take risks. “Believe” is such a strong album! And what I love the most – he truly cares about his fans!”

Exercise“hmmm… I like working on my abs, Pilates or play tennis but I hate running.”

Bananas“I am not a big fan… I love apples and oranges :D”


What do you associate with these words:

Music“emotions; my life; fun; freedom; love; purity; memories; events”

Love“happiness; flirt; it can lift you up or bring you down; impossible to live without”

Food“satisfaction; makes me happy :D”

Travel“new experiences; fun; education; emotions; people; traditions”


If you could choose one or the other, which one would it be:

Italian/Mexican Food “Italian”


Elegant/Comfy “most of the time Elegant”



Tell us your Favorite:

Song“Chris Brown feat Jordin Sparks ‘No Air’ “

Movie“Silver Linings Playbook”

Book“Arthur Hailey ‘Hotel’ “

Animal“all puppies”


City “New York”


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