Interview with Band of the Week: Remember When's Kyle Nelson

Remember When

We had the chance to talk to Kyle Nelson of pop/rock band Remember When recently, check out what he has to say here. You can view Remember When’s full feature here

Describe your music for us:
“Our music can be described as a summer pop rock band. A majority of our songs has a very good feeling, up beat sort of feel to them. We love to incorporate a lot of guitars melodies and vocal harmonies as well.”

About a year ago, you released your debut album . What was your favorite part about that writing/recording process?
“We recorded our debut album at “Spotlight Sound Studio” in Atlanta GA. We had so much fun not only in the traveling aspect, but working with an awesome staff who provided a great studio experience. My favorite part of the recording process was how our producer pushed us to perform our best for each track. We strived to make each song sound unique in their own special way. When we weren’t working we were playing Xbox, tracking in our underwear, or lighting our farts on fire. Typical band of brothers you could say! There is never a dull moment when u put a room full of musicians together.”

Favorite song on the album?
“My personal favorite song on the album is best part of me. This is because of the catchiness and melodies it has to offer as well as the “gang” vocals where we all had some fun singing. It reminds me of summer.”

Any big plans for this new year so far?
The past 6 months we have been extremely busy! We have been working with Grammy award winning producer Shawn Campbell out in Hollywood CA. We recorded 4 new songs at Atlantic Records and shot a music video that just released for our single “Inside Out.” 

We are planning our next US tour hopefully in summer of 13′.”

We saw on your Facebook that “Kyle has used music as a release and escape from a life altering injury when he was younger,” and we were wondering what all you could tell us about this (if you’re comfortable).
“In 8th grade I suffered a traumatic brain injury in a football game. I spent months in the hospital suffering from headaches, short term memory loss, insomnia, and depression. Since I was no longer able to continue playing my passion for sports I started learning guitar in the hospital. I was able to actually write and express my emotions through my music which helped me heal emotionally. Still today I have headaches and memory loss but I use music as my escape.”

Tell us where you’re from? Has being from this area been beneficial to your music career?
“I am from Canton, Ohio and Zaya is from Milwaukee, WI. Like every band you have to start somewhere. We have a great hometown following which means the world to us. Being able to change our fans life though our music is what we live for. We love coming back to canton because we always know we are going to have a sold out show!”

If you could perform with anyone, dead or alive, who would you choose?
“If we could perform with anyone dead or alive it would be with Michael Jackson or the Beatles. The true founders of music we have today. Without them music wouldn’t be what it is today.”

Most rewarding part of your career so far?
The most rewarding part of our career so far is being able to travel the world and play music. We love meeting new people everyday, and seeing what the world has to offer. If we can change one persons life through our music then we are doing our job. It’s all for the fans.”

Since we’re from Honest Reviews Corner, what’s your “honest review” on the Harry Potter movies?
“Do I love Harry Potter?! I was so pumped when I saw this question. Harry Potter is my all time favorite movies/book series ever. I even had a denim Harry Potter book bag I would rock in high school that everyone loved. Im still waiting on my letter to Hogwarts though.”

Kyle’s old backpack



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