'The Bachelor' 17.04; Rock Climbing and Hospital Visits


If you thought last week was intense, then say hello to week four! I’m on the lookout for Sean’s shirtless scene of the episode, and what do you know! He’s working out again. Not only that, but we get a scene of him in nothing but his boxers getting ready for a date. Ooh La La!

Date One:

Selma-4Selma gets the first date card (let’s turn up the heat) and as she leaves with Sean everyone is giving her the worst glares. Must be fun to live in a house with 12 other women dating the same guy. They mention dancing, and Selma asks if he can handle all 110lbs of her. I’m very put off by that weight mention, who does that? When they get into their private jet, she keeps asking whether all their dates will be like this. No, no they will not. After this show ends ABC will no longer be giving you amazing dates. Selma gets very disappointed that Sean took the Iraqi to a desert, because she doesn’t do heat. Are you kidding me? I think their date would be so much fun! Doing some rock climbing, watching the sunset, being there with Sean, and a candlelit dinner in an RV park… I’m so jealous! During their night conversation, Selma reveals that she can’t kiss him on TV because she has a very strict mum. While she opens up I do begin to like her more, but she still isn’t my favourite.

Date Two:

Sean-Lowe1Lindsay, Robin, Jackie, Catherine, Amanda, Ashley, Sarah, and Tierra. Today Sean has them doing roller derby, and none of the girls seem too excited for the activity. Sarah is having big problems with the date because without a second arm she has a bad time with her balance but Ashley is amazing in being supportive and helping her get back up and try again. Amanda is super confident about the sport, saying she’s done it before and is desperate to win, until she falls on her chin and has to go to the hospital. Everyone is freaked out about continuing with the game, so Sean decides they’ll just have a free skate instead. Later, they go to the roof of the Roosevelt for a nice cocktail party. I normally don’t comment on the outfits they wear, but how beautiful is Sarah’s dress! While Sarah and Sean are off on some one on one time, Amanda shows up wanting a sympathy rose. Damn! I was hoping we’d got rid of her, and instead she’s playing dirty.

TierraThe girls discuss what happened to Amanda and Tierra starts going a bit crazy. In her journal she says the women need to act more mature and that she won’t stoop to their level, and then she’s complaining to Sarah that no one understands why she doesn’t trust any of the girls. She goes to a producer asking to leave because she “can’t be tortured like this.” I’m not trying to say I understand what she’s going through, but she needs to tone it down. I guess there always is the one who freaks out and wants to leave… She finds Sean as he is heading to the hot tub with Lindsay, leaving Lindsay to go back up to all the girls in nothing but her bikini. Well, isn’t that a bit awkward. Now that I think about it… Why do the guys on Bachelorette (and everyone on Bachelor Pad) go in the pool, but girls on Bachelor don’t? Just as we think we’re getting rid of Tierra, Sean pulls her back in and gives him the group date rose. It looks like he’s getting manipulated by some of these women and I hope he sees it at some point before he gets down on one knee.

Date Three:

sean-lowe-600Leslie H gets the second 1on1 date (could this be forever) and it comes with some beautiful diamond drop earrings that she apparently gets to keep. He shows up in a Corvette and whisks her away to find a gorgeous dress for their night. It’s the full on Pretty Woman experience and I, along with most women, am absolutely dying right now. I want the whole store to myself to shop in! It’s so cute that he’s a willing participant in a shopping date. Lastly, she gets a ridiculously expensive necklace that is positively gorgeous.

They have an incredibly romantic dinner date, but I feel like they should have gone to a ball or something with those outfits. Their conversation gets really deep about relationships and family. As I said when I first saw her, she seems really fun and lively, but I don’t know if her quirky side really fits with Sean’s jokey side. It seems like Sean felt the same way, because he ends up not giving her the rose. It’s definitely more painful of a breakup than during rose ceremonies… I like that as she left she told him to be careful because some of the girls with roses aren’t there for the right reasons. They were going to have Ben Taylor perform for Sean and Leslie H, and then he didn’t give her the rose. That’s such a weird performance at the end.

Before the Rose Ceremony:

All of the girls are still focused on Tierra’s annoying ways. Tierra complains to Amanda about Robin and Robin discusses it with Jackie. Tierra pulls Robin and Jackie outside to chat about the drama. I like that she apologizes but it goes downhill from there, she continues to place blame on Robin and then interrupts her multiple times… Not the way to get rid of the bitchy stigma. Everyone looks at what Tierra did as fake. She definitely gets this fake quality about herself when she’s with Sean. Why does Sean not realize that if Tierra mentions that other people may say bad things about her then there’s probably a reason behind that. At least everyone decides not to mention her to Sean.

People Staying:

Selma (1on1 date), Tierra (group date), Catherine, Desiree, Lindsay, Lesley, Robin, Ashley, Sarah, Jackie, Daniella.

That means Amanda was sent home and I’m so excited that I don’t have to look at her terrible makeup choices and massive fake smile anymore.

My Picks:

(first episode: Desiree, Jackie, Sarah)
(second episode: Kacie B, Desiree)
(third episode: Desiree)

Unfortunately, this episode didn’t provide any favourites. Desiree would be my favourite for the week if I had seen her interact with Sean.

What was your favourite moment?

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