Exclusive Interview with Nathaniel Buzolic from ‘The Vampire Diaries’
The handsome Nathaniel Buzolic is an Australian actor with several film and TV roles to his name. And of course, if you’re a vampire fan, you’ll know that he plays the cheeky, bad boy original brother, Kol Mikaelson, from ‘The Vampire Diaries’. We were fortunate enough to catch up with Nate over the festive period whilst the show was on a hiatus and if you’re a fan of Kol, like us, you’ll be thrilled to know that we’ll be seeing more of him in upcoming episodes. Read our interview with Nate below:
Who/what has had a major influence on you growing up to where you are now?
“For me personally, growing up in a single parent household was one of the strongest influences growing up. I love my mum, but also learnt that it was gonna take a lot of hard work to get to where I wanted to be with my career. Created really good habits and less expectation that I would get what I want unless I worked hard for it.”
You’re an avid snowboarder and a keen photographer. If it were a toss up of a fun snowboarding holiday or an African wildlife safari ripe with photo opportunities, which would it be?
“That is a tough question. I love to board. When I’m heading down a mountain, I can forget about the world for a short while. But I do love to capture beauty in this world. And photos can last the test of time. So I would have to do with the safari just in the hope that I would get the perfect shot.”
Were there any special preparations you had to do in order to prepare for your role as Kol in The Vampire Diaries?
“Essentially, I had to discover my naughty side. Haha! ‘Cause Kol does not worry about accountability for his actions. But also, I had to work on an English accent. It’s an accent that isn’t the most comfortable for me to fall in, so before shooting I really try to work on that.”
It’s been said that you love pirates. Did you ever have a pirate themed birthday party as a child?
“I think my fascination came much later in life with pirates. I’d have a themed party this year if I could … PIRATES IT IS!”
Tell us about the tattoo on your wrist.
“My tattoo says Take Heart, it’s actually taken from the bible, john 16:33 it was one of the last things Jesus shared with his disciples before dying on the cross. Essentially the message is this: In life you’re gonna face troubles, but TAKE HEART because I have overcome the world. I hold on these words pretty tightly.”
What can we expect from Kol in further episodes of The Vampire Diaries?
“Kol will be making his return to Mystic falls this week! And he may not be a happy camper this time.”
Besides the vampire aspect of The Vampire Diaries, how does your portrayal/experience of Kol differ to other parts you’ve played?
“This role is the biggest jump from reality I’ve taken. I’ve played a lot of different characters, but generally, they have still been kept in reality. I like playing characters that are a stretch and a suspension of belief has to be taken.”
You’ve mentioned that you have a love for storytelling, a factor that’s lead you to acting. Have you ever considered a career as a writer?
“If I could improve my grammar and spelling! Ha-ha. I have dyslexia, so unfortunately, I might be able to write something good, but it would be in complete CODE.”
What has been the highlight for you as Kol during Season 3?
“Definitely being able to work with the likes of Claire, Joseph, and Daniel Gillies. I love my original family!”
Are you working with/involved with any worthwhile causes or projects at the moment? (If yes, please share a few details.)
“Absolutely, extremely passionate about putting an end to modern day slavery. Today there are more slaves in history then ever before, and sadly, woman and children account for the bulk of the 27 million people who are enslaved. I would urge everyone who considers them self free to visit enditmovement.com and show your support by donating or signing the petition. The world needs to stand up to the people who subject others to this injustice.”
What is the best thing about being part of The Vampire Diaries?
“Well besides the great cast, crew, and scripts that we as actors get to play with! I actually have fallen in love with the city of Atlanta. So for me it’s always nice to get out of LA and be in what I call my spiritual home!”
Career wise, what do you hope to achieve beyond your role as Kol?
“I’m expecting big things this year. In a perfect world, I will fall into the world of film over here. But I would love to continue to develop the role of Kol for TVD audiences and hopefully get on a couple of other shows before the year is out. Who knows? It’s in God’s hands and I trust him completely.”
‘The Vampire Diaries’ returns with a new episode on Thursday 17 January 8.7c.
I really appreciated this interview 🙂 It gave me the possibility to understand more things about Nathaniel (and Kol of course – he’s my favorite character in TVD).
I work for a website based upon The Vampire Diaries and I think that our followers will be very happy to hear more about Nathaniel/Kol. I think he’s a great actor, he should play a major role in the show!
Greets from Italy
What a wonderful article on such a kind, smart, young man. Nathaniel was as charming, sweet and very funny at a TVD convention and I hope the writers keep him around for a very long time. I love how he has religion in his life and has his hopes for his future.
I love Kol! They better not kill him off…… I think he adds an interesting and essential side to the whole vampire cure…..so far he seems to be the only one not wanting Silas woke. I do think that there needs to be an episode where him and Damon have to work towards something together, that would be awesome and funny!! Ever since his first appearance on the show I have been following Nate s career, I think he is brilliant and of course gorgeous!!! Very much an individual! Can’t wait to see more of him…..on Tvd and everywhere!
I love Kol! They better not kill him off…… I think he adds an interesting and essential side to the whole vampire cure…..so far he seems to be the only one not wanting Silas woke. I do think that there needs to be an episode where him and Damon have to work towards something together, that would be awesome and funny!! Ever since his first appearance on the show I have been following Nate s career, I think he is brilliant and of course gorgeous!!! Very much an individual! Can’t wait to see more of him…..on Tvd and everywhere!