Cover Wars: "Say Somethin"


First there was Justin Bieber’s “Baby”, then there was One Direction’s “What Makes You Beautiful”, now every 16-25 year old girl is obsessing over Austin Mahone’s “Say Somethin”, and who can blame them? The song is catchy and Austin has got the heart breaker looks.

Below are the top 5 covers of “Say Somethin” that we have found. Vote below for the one you like best. If you have any suggestions for a cover of this song that you love and we have missed, please leave it in the comments below. Who knows, we may even add it.

Cover #1

Artist: Benji and Dakota Bradley


Cover #2

Artist: Hollywood Ending


Cover #3

Artist: AHMIR


Cover #4

Artist: Jacob Whitesides


Cover #5

Artist: Joseph Devries

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