What makes the X Factor different from other singing competition is that a double elimination is very frequent. That means the voting in more important then ever. This week two acts had to leave the competition. Last week, one of my personal favorites, Beatrice Miller left the competition after her sing off with Cece Frey. It was a hard decision for the judges to make but they needed to make one. Paige Thomas had the lowest number of votes and was sent home at the beginning of the competition. This week the bottom two came down to Vino Alan and Diamond White. It was a shock to see Diamond White in the bottom but Vino Alan did not have a good performance the night before. Both of them sang for their lives. The decision came down to sending Vino Alan home.
So far, Simon has two acts left in his category as well as Britney Spears. LA and Demi both have one act remaining in the competition. Next week is the Pepsi Challenge where the fans get to choose the songs performed by the acts! Also, next week Ke$ha is performing!