Clear For Takeoff – Indiegogo

clear for takeoff


Maryland’s Clear For Takeoff has just announced an Indiegogo campaign to fun their new music video “It Takes Two To Make An Accident“. They are trying to raise just $1000 by midnight on January 15th. Clear For Takeoff is an unsigned pop rock band that has exploded onto the east coast music scene. They are passionate about what they do and would love your help in making this music video possible! They will be using the money to get all the things necessary for a music video including a location, camera equipment, a camera operator, editing, and anything else that they might need. Some of the perks that you could receive for donating are shout outs, merch packs,  digital or hard copies of the new music video, personal letters from the band, and much more!

To help out Clear For Takeoff click here.


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