Interview with Craig Hurley author of "27 And All Washed Up"


Craig is best known for his television roles in ‘Nasty Boys,’ ‘Life Goes On,’ ‘Beverly Hills: 90210,’ and ‘Star Trek: The Next Generation’. He is now an Independent Producer and is the president of ScrappyCo Productions. Craig spent the past seven years writing “27 and All Washed Up” with Zak Wilson. Because of the book Craig was able to rekindle a romance with his soul mate Katie Barberi! You can purchase “27 and All Washed Up” on Amazon here, and read our interview with Craig below!

Had you planned on writing a book before you met Zak?

“No. Zak is really the reason why I did the book. There were a couple other people that were bugging me to write my story. Zak actually bugged me for the entire run of One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest. During one of the rehearsals he was like “look Craig I want to interview you. We can tape it and then make it into a book.” I told him no. I really didn’t want to write a book. I knew the commitment writing a book would take. Zak said if we didn’t do the interview there wouldn’t be a book, and without the book there would be no book tour. I finally gave in. We sat down and wrote “27 and All Washed Up” together. Now seven years later the book is out and I’m doing interviews for the book!”

Did you only want to release a book that was in interview format? Or had you thought of publishing a book that was more of a story?

“I actually didn’t know how I wanted to tell my story. I didn’t really want to write an autobiography. While Zak and I were doing the interview I was transcribing what he recorded. Zak would ask a question and then I’d give an answer. His next question would follow what I had just answered. It rolled out that way. I felt like it was a Rolling Stone type interview. I decided there didn’t need to be chapters we could just go from job to job. When I was transcribing the interview it really formatted itself. That’s how “27 and All Washed Up” came to be.

 I keep thinking of things that I want to add to “27 and All Washed Up”. I added a section of “Shit I Forgot” that will be included in the book when it’s available on Amazon.”

 Was there an overall story or theme you wanted to convey with “27 and All Washed Up”?

“It became like a textbook for people in the entertainment industry. They can see what part of the ladder or pathway they are really on.”

 Were you ever star struck as a child?

“No. I’ve never been star struck actually. I’ve worked with a lot of stars, but I’ve never felt that way. I don’t actually know why that is, but that’s the way I am.”

 What was your favorite set you worked on?

“That’s a cool question. I really liked ‘Freddy’s Nightmares’. I had a lot of fun working on that set. My girlfriend Katie Barberi and I met on that set and now it is 27 years later and we’re together. She was 17 on that set, while I was 19. We dated after filming ‘Freddy’s Nightmares’, but then we broke up. We actually recently got back together after I wrote “27 and All Washed Up”. She purchased a copy and then got a hold of me via Facebook. Our rekindled romance is a movie in itself. A lot of friends have told me to write a script based on Katie and mine’s relationship.”

 Are you still recognized on the street?

“For a long time I was. People would follow me through grocery stores. Right now, not so much. Katie is though! She is the number one Telenovela star in the world basically. She gets mobbed in Walgreens. I’ve kind of adopted the role of her security guard. I don’t have to look out for my own celebritiness anymore, now I’m just looking out for Katie.”

 Was rekindling your romance with Katie the best thing that’s happened to you since writing “27 and All Washed Up”?

“If nothing ever happens with this book, if I never even sell one copy, getting Katie, my soul mate back in my life, has been the greatest gift.”

 Did you have trouble naming the book?

“When I was 27 I remember joking with different family members that I was 27 and all washed up. I knew I had to shift gears, and shift paths in the entertainment business if I wanted to be successful. I didn’t know I’d use it as title for my book in 20 years, but I think it fits my book perfectly.”

 Some of the people you included in “27 and All Washed Up” have passed on. Was it difficult including them?

“I filmed an independent film with Steven H. Hansen and included him in the book. I am actually still editing that film. It is really difficult for me. Steve died of brain cancer right after we finished filming the movie. As a producer and director, it’s difficult because I have nobody to do any voice over work or reshoots. I have to use the raw footage I have. As Steve’s friend editing this movie has been extremely emotional too. It’s been depressing watching Steve. He gave an absolutely brilliant performance, but now he’s gone. I want to have this movie be the best it can be, because it’s Steve’s last piece of art.”

 What do you think of entertainment business now? How do you think people in the industry can relate to “27 and All Washed Up”?

“Without Penny Marshall there would be no entertainment business. She’s an icon, but she can’t work right now. People won’t higher her because she is not insurable due to cancer. She shifted gears from being a brilliant actress to being a brilliant director. So many actors, myself included, took that same leap because of her work. She is this business! She should be able to work. Same goes for Robby Benson. They won’t hire him either. Robby was a teen idol. Who doesn’t love The Beast? Fans and audiences need to support their favorite actors, producers, directors, etc. The fans can ensure that their favorites continue to work and thrive in this industry. I hate the way the media treats us. It’s like they don’t expect us to change at all, but everyone physically changes, that’s just the way it is. The Emmy’s still haven’t mentioned Jeff Conaway died! They bashed him for years before he died, and couldn’t show him the respect of the including him in the Memoriam. The media blows my mind.”

 What are your plans for releasing “27 and All Washed Up” to the masses?

“I worked on an online edit/digital copy of “27 and All Washed Up” I’ve had to reformat the entire book. Kindle won’t process it the correct way on its own. It has been difficult. It is now available on


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