Interviewing Alex Solowitz from "She Wants Me"

Earlier this month I had the opportunity to interview Alex Solowitz, about his new movie “She Wants Me.”  Some of you may recognize Alex from episodes of “The Closer,” “C.S.I. Miami,” “No Ordinary Family,” or perhaps you know him from the voice of Richard Bates in “L.A. Noirr.”  Typically, he’s played some kind of villain or jerk, but, to my relief, he’s not that kind of person in real life.  Read the interview below to find out about his new movie “She Wants Me,” his upcoming film with Willem Dafoe, how he’s as big as the incredible hulk, and much more!

So what can you tell me about your new movie “She Wants Me”?

“Without giving too much away, it’s kind of like a movie inside of a movie… stuff happens, I guess.  It’s actually a really good movie. It’s so good.  I can’t- it’s hard to describe.  I know I’ve seen it three times. I know I relate a lot to the Sam character, so… I don’t know. I just really like it.”

How did you prepare for your role of Drew?

(Laughs.)  I’m kind of an asshole in it and I just kind of drank and had sex with drunk women so I didn’t really prepare at all. (Laughs.)  It wasn’t very much preparation, you know, like going to college and stuff.  Drink lots and you will be prepared for this character.”

I understand you’re working on a new movie called “Dead End.”  Is there anything you can tell me about that? 

“All I can say is it’s called “Dead End”. I just finished a movie called “Whiskey Bay,” which is going to be awesome, with Matt Dylon, Tom Berenger and Willem Dafoe.”

Really?  How was it working with them?  That sounds like it would be very interesting.

“Insane.  It was amazing. I learned so much.  They’re like the OG’s of Hollywood.  It was insane.  We were in Louisiana filming and it was a small little town and we were up there like a month and a half and it was great.  It was great to watch how the pros work, you know?”

When can we expect that movie to start seeing things about that movie? 

“I’m thinking probably mid-2013 it should be out.  And then on Christmas I have another one coming out called “White Trash Christmas”.”

Is there a certain type of role you aim for when looking for jobs?

“No, I mean I’m most comfortable with comedy, you know… I like taking something out of my comfort zone, which would be like anything romantic as far as I’m concerned, but I play most either the bad guy or the asshole.  I’m just comfortable, but I’m not like that, I’m a nice guy.  I think it’s because I got picked on so much in high school.”

You’ve worked with a lot of many different actors and actresses, Drew Barrymore, Willem Dafoe, but if you could work with any actor or actress, would would it be?

“That’s a good one.  I’m gonna have to go with De Nero.  I mean I always dreamed of that scene in “Heat” where De Nero and Pacino are doing that restaurant scene.  I would have gladly been in the background there somewhere just watching. I would pay for that.  You wouldn’t have to pay me.”

So if you weren’t acting, what do you think you’d be doing? 

“Music.  I’m a musician.  I’ve pretty much always been.”

Are you still singing for the band “Liquid Zoo”?

“No. I had another band on MTV called “2gether” for a long time.  It went double platinum and we had two albums and we had a show.  We had a reunion about a year ago, no, sorry, like six months ago.  It was fun.  That’s probably what I’d be doing, I don’t know. “

You’re quite the muscular guy, so I have to ask, how does a guy like you start his day?  What’s your secret? 

“I eat a lot and I work out a lot.  It’s what I do.  I don’t even think about it.  It comes second nature.  I used to be really really heavy, I used to be like 350 pounds so it was something I kind of battled all my life with my weight, so now it’s just something I do.  It’s almost like breathing. I usually start with lifting then I do treadmill or the stair-master like five days a week.”

Is there anything you’d like to say to your fans and our readers?

“Thanks for all the support and I’m just grateful to be doing what I’m doing and I’m grateful for all of this.”

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