How I Met Your Mother: Season 8 Spoilers + Promotional Trailer

As we saw back in April, the How I Met Your Mother writers jumped right into planning the new season before Season 7 had even finished. After the rockstar hour-long finale “The Magician’s Code”, expectations are high and questions are plentiful. With the season premiere just around the corner, more than a few spoilers have been pouring out of the writers’ room. We’ve compiled them below, and we advise you to stop reading now if you want to be completely surprised as to what’s ahead for our favorite group of friends since F.R.I.E.N.D.S.

Read the How I Met Your Mother Fall Premiere Recap: Episode 8.01: “Farhampton”

We can begin by telling you that the first episode of Season 8 will pick up pretty much right where Season 7 ended, with Ted and Victoria driving off into the proverbial – and in this case, literal – sunset together. However, Craig Thomas – co-creator of How I Met Your Mother – teased to EW that Ted will feel an attack of guilt for running off with another man’s bride, and it will dredge up reminders of the time when Stella did the same thing to him back in Season 4. As we all already know – and discussed in the finale recap – we all know that Victoria is not going to be the mother, so it would seem that this storyline is already pointless. However, as Craig points out in the teaser, Ted doesn’t know that – and he has to have some closure with her before he can move on to other potential mothers.

Obviously they will have to play out the rest of Barney and Quinn’s story before they can get to the wedding – which, as we saw in the finale, does not involve Quinn. So, you can assume, though Becki Newton’s (the actress who plays Quinn) new show The Goodwin Games got picked up, she will still be on How I Met Your Mother at least long enough to finish out their plotline – however long that may be. In the meantime, TV Line reported that actor Michael Trucco will be around (again), this time playing a new love interest for Robin (remember Robin’s secret crush from Season 6 episode “Hopeless”). Before you panic, remember the wedding is still going to be between Robin and Barney – so obviously this is another doomed relationship.

As you can see for yourself in the promo below, the season premiere (titled “Farhampton” after the name of the town where Barney and Robin are to marry) is going to open still in flash-forward to Barney and Robin’s wedding. However, there is also trouble in paradise as the two begin to get cold feet. E! also teased that the possible hang-up on Robin’s part probably has something to do with Ted Mosby – not that we’re really all that surprised about that information.

In the second episode of the season, TV Line has reported that Marshall’s boss – lawyer Arthur Hobbs (Bob Odenkirk) – will be back to negotiate the pre-nuptuals for Barney and Quinn. Meanwhile, TV Guide teased that we’re also going to get to see Lily and Marshall adjust to parenthood – and possibly find a babysitter. According to Craig Thomas, it is “going to be very sweet,” the process they’re going to go through for the first few episodes.

As for the big question of whether or not this will be the last season? That is still up in the air. However, given that How I Met Your Mother just had its highest-rated season ever, I think it’s a pretty safe bet to say – if they want a ninth season, they’ll get a ninth season. However, before we get too into that, let’s just get through this season first. Don’t miss the Season 8 premiere Monday, September 24th, and in the meantime, check out the promotional trailer below.



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