Cassadee Pope on 'The Voice'!


As you may already know via Twitter, Facebook, or from the show itself Cassadee Pope is now on ‘The Voice’. Her blind audition aired September 25th.  She entered the stage as nervous as could be with hopes of having at least one judge turn around. To her surprise and excitement her amazing performance of Torn by Natalie Imbruglia, got her all four judges to press their buttons! Adam bushed first not even a second later Christina and Blake pressed their buttons. There was a brief pause before CeeLo final realized he had to turn around. She brought an energetic and bubbly vibe to the stage. Once the last note was sung Cassadee began to get a little emotional having overwhelming feeling and excitement around her. Which was also going on backstage between her family and friends. Her Mom, sister Ashley, and Boyfriend Rian (drummer for All Time Low) all freaked out with complete happiness for her. Then Cassadee realized she had to make a decision. All four coaches wanted her to be on their team! Each and every coach fought for her as much as they could because her talent was to good to not fight for. But, after Blake called Cassadee a “superstar” she had to pick him. Claiming that she has wanted to be a superstar since she was four. Blake showed off and rubbed it into the other judges faces who were all upset and disappointed Cassadee didn’t choose them to be her coach. Team Blake for the win! Congrats and best of luck to Cassadee. I’ll be cheering her on. Will you?

Follow Cassadee’s journey on The Voice here

Also you can buy Cassadee’s version of Torn on iTunes now!

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