Interview with the Band of the Week: The Background

The Background is a group of childhood friends who grew up and created a band together. They have played with artists like  NeverShoutNever, Action Item, and Mayday Parade. We had the opportunity to chat with them, so check out the interview below. To see their full featured article, click here.

How excited are you guys to play at Six Flags in Texas?

“We are super stoked especially because we have our manager from Pittsburg who just flew in today to hang out with us this week and enjoy the show. We are definitely thrilled to play infront of him.”

What’s your favorite thing about playing shows at Six Flags?

“The best thing about playing a show at Six Flags is most definitely the hospitality. Six Flags treats us so so well as far as food, drinks, gas, anything; Six Flags are there for us whenever we play for them.”

You’ve played with a lot of awesome bands, whose been your favorite so far?

“I like Sparks the Rescue and Mayday.”

“Sparks the Rescue was cool, Mayday was a really huge show. This Providence is awesome. That’s probably it so far, we’re still kind of new at this.”

Is there a festival you would love to play at?

“Bamboozle would probably be the most wanted right now. We’ve played SXSW the past couple of years and now we are definitely ready for Bamboozle. Nowadays there are so many festivals that we really just want to get our music out to the public. We just want people to hear our music, so we are open to any and all festivals.”

Who are your musical influences?

“I named the band after Third Eye Blind, so they are definitely a big influence. Also, Jacks Mannequin, Something Corporate, Saves the Day, Blink 182, very late 90’s punk rock really influenced us all. 

You guys are in a competition to open up for the All American Rejects, can you tell us about that and how we can help?

“We were kind of late signing up for the competition, but we finally got our music video in to it. The best way you can help is by going to our Facebook which is . Go click on our most recent post, which is the link for the contest. You can vote everyday, it’s just like the Warped Tour battle of the bands thing. You can vote everyday, once a day. That’s the main focus we have right now.”

What was it like to film your music video?

“It was super hot. It was the first day of the middle of the summer for Texas, it was 100 degrees +, there was no wind that day, and we were all hot as shit trying to keep a smile on our face. We actually had a great time though and want to do more music videos in the future.”

Favorite TV show?

“The one we quote most is ‘Portlandia’ which is based in Portland Oregon. We love ‘Workaholics;, we are huge comedy fans. We feel that comedy and smiling in general is just good for the soul. We kind of live off that and use it to our best advantage.”

Besides the All American Rejects competition, what can we look forward to in the bands future?

“New music. A lot of bands these days seem to be searching for what the general audience wants to hear, but I will tell you right now, The Background is going to write and release whatever we feel like we want to release. We’re not going to give you any kind of bullshit. We just feel that people can be inspired by, moved to and relate to things I personally have lived through. The biggest thing going on right now is new music, be looking for 2 new songs in the next couple months.”

If you could describe your band in 3 words, what would they be?

“Real, dance, and family”




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