The album starts off with self-titled song: Hollywood Ending. Because of the song title, it is the perfect way to start off their debut EP, although it is a bit pitchy at the beginning. It is not their strongest song lyrically and was not my favorite on the EP.
One Wish is a personal favorite of mine. I’ve seen them many times in concert and this song was the one that got me hooked. The lyrics are fun and original, and is time and time again the loudest song sung by Hollywood Ending fans. I wish the album had started off with this song, so it would set precedence for what was to come – AWESOMENESS.
Don’t Let Me Down, is my favorite song to dance to off this EP. It has a really strong opening, and even stronger chorus. This song is sure to get you off your feet and partying to the jams of the band.
She’s All That is smooth like pick up lines from Tyler. Its not a slow or soft song, but the dynamics do stay within the same level throughout the song. I liked the lyrics as I do every other Hollywood Ending Song, but I wish there was one powerful moment where the band let loose and went crazy just for one chorus. It’s a great, but is a musically safe song.
There’s something I love so much about Always 18, but I just can’t put my finger on it. It’s not a typical pop-punk song, or even a pop song. This song is so musically well done that it almost has a place in a musical somewhere.
Let’s slow it way down for the last track: Forever & Always. I really like the tone of their voices. This song would fit perfectly in a Disney Channel Original Movie .
I gave this album a rating of 4 out of 6. I think this album is fantastic, but this is Hollywood Ending’s first EP and I know what they are going to come out with in the future is going to be even better than this one!