I have to say that this episode was quite a disappointment, although I’m starting to think that this entire season may just be the worst season ‘Weeds’ has ever had. For me, the plot line is happening too quickly; theres no suspense or mystery. Nancy was shot in the head at the end of last season. So far, we are three episodes in, and we know she’s alive, we know who shot her, and they arrested him. What now? Have they left us with any kind of plot in these 9 last episodes?
The rest of the plot line wasn’t horrible, I guess I just didn’t enjoy the execution. Now that we all know that Tim Scottson is who shot Nancy, Shane is going after him. Silas fills Nancy in, and Nancy becomes quite worried that Shane has gone after Tim. It isn’t a secret that Shane has a past with going after people who have gone after his mom. Nancy says it best when she says “Silas, your brother is going to kill someone…else.”
So Nancy and Silas go on a search for Shane and Tim. They visit the residence of Tim Scottson and meet his girlfriend. Here is
Like I said, the plot line is there, the writing is horrible. I shouldn’t have to end my recap without a detailed explanation of a crazy event. Granted ‘Weeds’ only has 20 minute episode, but they have been able to pull off these crazy events in the past.
The best part of this episode for me was the extras. Not only was former Survivor contestant Jessica (Sugar) Kiper in the episode, but Mae Whitman played Tim Scottson’s crazy girlfriend.
Stay tuned for my top 5 predictions for this season of ‘Weeds’!