The season began with the confirmation that Nancy Botwin indeed got shot. On a lighter note though, the theme song “Little Boxes” is back along with a cute intro! Weeds fans can rejoice that their beloved them song is once again here giving the show the quirky opening it needed. Lets get back to the shooting.
After the gun went off and Nancy fell to the ground, Shane went running after whoever shot her. He’s secretly signed up for the police academy in the past season, so it seems fitting that Shane once again feels the need to protect his family. Shane doesn’t end up catching the shooter, but we do get a glimpse of him driving off. He looks just like Silas (it’s not) from the back (we don’t see his face).
After some waiting they are finally able to go in and visit Nancy, and leave it up to Doug to be the first one kicked out of the hospital for stealing food out of the neighbors gift baskets. We don’t know if Nancy is mentally aware or not, but if she is she’d know that during her hospital stay she got felt up by Doug, found out that Shane joined the police academy, and know that Andy screwed her sister (in her hospital room. Of course).
As the episode comes to an end we find out the identity of the shooter: Nancy’s second ex-husband’s son. Basically he shot Nancy to feel better about himself. Nancy Botwin has the power to make or break a person, and while she was making her family, she clearly broke this guy.
One things for sure, this family needs Nancy to survive. Take her down and the whole family is going down with her. I think that is going to be the running theme of this season. After all the crap she has been through, it all comes back to her and her family, a perfect circle for the ending of this show!