I really enjoyed this season of The Bachelorette because Emily Maynard, the title woman of the show, seemed much more intelligent than most bachelors and bachelorettes. Normally, we see awkward “conversations” on dates where there are many silences and strange looks with forced, obviously scripted sentences here or there. This year, Emily and the men laughed and talked seemingly honestly with no strange pauses. Serious conversations occurred and they seemed natural, so you actually got a feel for the bachelors and the relationships Emily was developing. Admittedly, this is still a reality TV show, so it isn’t as though I can say I know exactly what happened, because the producers edit lots out of each week’s dates.
Some of my favorite moments of the season were on the group dates. Part of the reason for that is probably because we get to see many of the men interacting with each other and with Emily and the events that they do are usually more entertaining.
Some of the most fun was watching Arie and Doug dressed in flowing skirts with braided wigs pretending to be the nurses and speaking Shakespeare with high pitched voices. Doug, one of the two fathers in the show, had no problem playing along and getting into the character, but Arie had a bigger challenge with the role. His incredibly red face the entire time he was in front of the audience was so cute, and Emily definitely appreciated his role in the play they put on.
Ryan and Emily’s scene was the death scene at the end of the play. As Emily lies on the ground pretending to be dead, Ryan is supposed to quickly kiss her as he kills himself. As he was the somewhat likable bad boy of the season, it was a cheeky but cute moment when he kissed her once then went back for another kiss making Emily and everyone in the audience laugh.
In the finale, we see Jef and Arie meet her parents and brother and watch Emily confused about who to choose and whether to introduce Ricky to anybody. Before her date with Arie even commences, she knows she has fallen in love with Jef and plans to tell Arie that before their date and before he proposes a few days later. She’s so noble and such a wonderful person because of it.
Even though Emily knew that she wanted Jef, she still didn’t know whether she would want to get engaged to him or not. Thankfully, when he asked her if she would marry him she said yes, and on the live After the Final Rose episode immediately afterward they are all cute and still engaged and planning a life together. I’m so excited for them, and I hope they continue to prosper.
What did you think of the season?