Like many of you, when I first heard about “The Watch” and its stars, I was a little hesitant to see it. We all remember what happened with the last Vince Vaughn-Ben Stiller movie, right? For those of you who don’t remember, that film was “Dodgeball,” and although it had its moments, the film in its entirety wasn’t anything that great. It’s one of thost movies that you’d see in the five dollar movie bin at Walmart, show to your friend, say “This wasn’t bad,” then put back. So anyone who was initially a little skepical about this movie had good reason to be, but I am here to say that this film surpassed my expectations and it will probably do the same for you. This film was both funny, and had decent action for what it was.
Not many action-comedies are really able to pull off their genre as well as “The Watch” did. For the most part, they either become action movies with funny parts, or funny movies with a little action. This movie was the best of both worlds, having well balanced helpings of both action and comedy, and a decent story to go with it. I can’t tell you how many comedies I’ve seen with bad story lines. Just because it’s funny doesn’t mean the plot has to be as thin as wax paper. Fortunately, this movie did not fall into that same “horrible plot” category we’ve all come to expect from most comedies.
So all-in-all, this movie was great. Could it have been better? Yes. Was it worth the price of admission? Indeed it was. As long as you can appreciate dirty jokes and irreverant humor, I don’t think you’ll be disappointed. It’s not the most clever film out there, but it’s a good movie for what it is.
“The Watch” is rated R for some strong sexual content including references (a lot of sexual dialogue, nudity including topless women and several full back shots of both genders, and several implied sexual acts), pervasive language (many uses of the “F-word” and one use of the “C-word” and other offensive language throughout) and violent images (creature violence, a corpse is shown with missing entrails, and violent scenes throughout).