The Downtown Fiction (TDF) is Cameron Leahy (vocals, guitar), David Pavluk (bass, vocals), Wes Dimond (guitar, vocals) and Kyle Rodgers (drums). This alternative/pop/rock band was formed in the summer of 2008 in Fairfax, Virginia by Cameron and then drummer Eric Jones. Since then, they have toured and played shows all over the U.S. with bands like We The Kings, Mayday Parade, Boys Like Girls, All Time Low and more. They are currently working on their second full length album, and I had the pleasure of interviewing them on it! Check out the interview below, and be sure to like them on Facebook at, and follow them on Twitter @downtownfiction for updates!
So you’re in the studio right now, how is that going so far?
“It’s been a very happy and creative time for us. I’ve (Cameron) been writing a lot and we’ve been rehearsing new material as a band here in Los Angeles.”
What’s the writing/recording process like for you?
“It usually just starts with a seed–a lyric/melody or a riff. Sometimes songs just write themselves and other times you have to work at them longer. Recording is intense, but rewarding. We’re always pushing to get the best sounds.”
Will this new album have any collaborations?
“Yeah, I’m always writing with friends or bringing ideas to the band. Collaboration is a lot of fun and keeps the process exciting and fast-paced.”
What other bands do you look up to? Would you say they have influenced the direction of this new album, or your music in general?
“There’s a whole lot of bands who are owed praise for their contributions. I’ve always admired artists who strive to make great records from start to finish. Listening to The Stones or Beach Boys on vinyl inspires me to focus on making good songs that can be pulled off by a live band.”
If you could work with anyone – dead or alive – on this album (or in the future), who would you choose and why?
“Mick Jagger is welcome to sing a guest vocal anytime.”
What do you like most/least about the recording process?
“It can take a lot of tedious experimentation to get it right, but recording is ultimately very rewarding.”
What made you decide to do TDF TV, and is this something you might continue even after the album is finished?
“We’ll probably go season to season, breaking after x number of episodes. We plan on documenting whenever we’re working on new music or touring, or just to show a normal day in the life of The Downtown Fiction. The YouTube community makes it so easy to share our music and our lives with everyone, so TDFtv made perfect sense.”
When do you predict the album will be released, and what can fans expect from it?
“We’re not sure yet, since we’re still in the writing process.”
Other than your South America dates in September, do you have any upcoming tour plans, or are you waiting until you finish the album to tour again?
“We’ll be back out on tour soon enough, but the focus is writing and recording for now.”
Is there anything you would like to add, or say to your fans?
“We hope everyone is having a wonderful summer and can’t wait to see you all again soon! Love, Cameron, David, Wes, Kyle”