Stars Go Dim is a pop rock band from Tulsa, Oklahoma. Their band consists of Chris Cleveland who sings and plays piano and guitar, Joey Avalos on guitar, Kyle Williams who plays whatever instruments are needed, and Black Panda on drums. They have played shows with big names such as The Fray, Daughtry, and Switchfoot. Check out their EP “Between Here and Now” on iTunes and keep an eye for new music coming soon.
Can you start off by introducing yourselves and what each of you play the band?
“I’m Chris Cleveland, I sing and play piano and guitar. We also have Joey Avalos on guitar, Kyle Williams plays whatever we need him to, and Black Panda is on Drums”
How would you describe your sound?
“We are pop/rock band with soulful Vocals”
You have previously opened for Switchfoot, The Fray, and Daughtry. What was is like opening for such big names?
“Really cool! Switchfoot and Daughtry were literally two of our first 3 shows ever… It was insane! Since then we have had the opportunity to play with some of the biggest artists in the world, including The Fray recently in Wichita. We always feel humbled when we are able to share the stage with such proven talent. Joey and I often find ourselves asking “how did we get here?”. Wether it’s side stage with The GooGoo Dolls or eating chicken in Haiti, this has been an awesome adventure from the outset.”
What is your favorite way to connect with your fans, or gather new fans?
“Favorite way is live and in person. We like to take time at every show and hang out for as long as we can with our fans. We also keep a strong online presence going so if we can see your face we can still stay in communication”
You release your singles “Like I Mean It” and “Hesitate” in 2012. What was the fan response to those tracks?
“Really great, Hesitate was a great fun rock track that got great response in some smaller pop markets across the country and like I mean has been our biggest and most successful song to date.”
After that, you released your EP, Between Here and Now, what is the story being that EP?
“Between Here and Now was an EP we just had to get out! Its really about being in one place and trying to get to another… All the experiences in between. We went a little more pop on some of the tunes which was fun for the project. It was hard to choose the songs for that EP because we have so many songs that could have been on it. We are currently working on New material and can’t wait to share all the goodness with everyone. We literally have to have 60 or 70 songs to choose from for the next project. It’s going to be insane!”
If you could tour with any band who would it be?
“Wow… I’m sure all of our answers would be a little different. For me right now I think The Script, Gavin Degraw, James Morrison, and Jason Mraz are at the top of my list.”
What do you miss most about your home of Tulsa, OK when you are out on tour?
“Joey wouldn’t miss a thing because he lives in Phoenix, Arizona! I miss my wife but that’s part of the business and she’s good with it, so it makes it easy. Tulsa is a great musical city though. So much talent here!”
Who is the worst driver in the band?
“Black Panda, hands down… He runs people off the road”
Which band member are you most likely to find sleeping?
“Black Panda again… Always taking Panda naps”
Is there any question thy I didn’t ask that you would like to answer? Or anything you would like to say to your fans?
“We would just like to thank all of our fans for their support. They’re the reason we try so hard. We love what we do and love meeting everyone on the road. Can’t wait to get to your town and make more friends.”