Interview with ‘Rookie Blue’s’ Peter Mooney

Canadian actor Peter Mooney is most well known as Kay from Starz’s ‘Camelot’. Peter also works extensively in live theater. He recently starred in “Gruesome Playground Injuries” at the Birdland Theater. Peter now has a reoccurring role as Nick on ABC’s cop drama ‘Rookie Blue’. Read our interview with Peter below!

How did you originally get involved with acting?

“I’m not sure why, but it was the only thing I ever wanted to do. From when I was five. I started doing classes and shows with MTYP, a great local children’s theater, and then as soon as I finished high school I moved to Montreal to attend the National Theatre School of Canada.”

What has been your favorite role to play so far?

“Kay in ‘Camelot’ was a lot of fun. I had to learn to ride a horse in short order and spent six months in Ireland sword fighting in the mud and drinking pints with the other Knights.”

How did you land ‘Rookie Blue’?

“It was a case of very fortunate timing. After ‘Camelot’ got cancelled I put myself on tape for it from LA and then I was back in Toronto for a week and went in to meet with David Wellington, Ilana Frank and Tassie Cameron. The read went well and we all got along pretty quickly. Thankfully it all worked out.”

What was like it joining a cast and show that had already been around for two years?

“Daunting. But the cast on Rookie is amazing and everyone was so welcoming right from the first table read that I felt like I’d been there all along.” 

Did you watch ‘Rookie Blue’ before joining the show?

“I did. I loved where the show was going at the end of season 2 so it was a particularly exciting time to come on board.”

Do you still watch it now or do you not watch yourself on TV?

“There’s two truth’s I have to tell here. First: I hate watching myself. I think most actors do. I’m really proud of the work everyone did on this season though: the cast is amazing, our directors and crew are amazing and the writing this year is unreal – I watch to see all that. The second truth: I don’t have TV. I much prefer to watch via DVD or iTunes. Thankfully I don’t have a Neilson box.”

How are similar and how are you different than Nick?

“He has a motorcycle, and is therefore cooler. I’d say he watches more sports than I do but sees way less theater. We’re both a little restless and enjoy a good whiskey. We also seem to both like jumping off high things (preferably into water).”

Are you personally Team Nick and Gail? (We’d like Nick to stick around!)

“Thanks! I’m hoping he does too. For sure I’m team Nick and Gail. But I have a vested interested, so I suppose I’m biased.”

What would your dream role be?

“Theater wise Henry V. Film or TV wise, I haven’t read it yet, but I’ll know it when I see it.”

What actor have you not worked with that you would love to?

“I’d love to be in the mad mix of one of Wes Anderson’s ensembles – Bill Murray and co.”

Do you plan on doing more theater?

“Always. I just closed a play with Birdland Theater here in Toronto a few weeks ago.” 

What current show on Broadway is your favorite and what should would you love to join?

“It’s closed now, but I had a chance to see the full 10 hour long marathon production of The Coast of Utopia at the Lincoln Center years ago. It blew my mind! Man, I would love to do something like that.”

Who is your favorite musician or band?

“Too many to name so, the first five that come to mind: The National, James Vincent McMorrow, Bon Iver, Bob Dylan and The XX.”

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