Exclusive Interview with Dax Shepard at the ATX Festival

Dax Shepard has always had fantastic comedic timing. He is great at improv, but also has been in many movies like: Idiocracy, When in Rome, Without a Paddle, Employee of the Month and Hit and Run (which comes out August 24, 2012). Currently, he plays Crosby Braverman on NBC’s ‘Parenthood’. Check our our interview with him below.

 The cast of ‘Parenthood’ seems so tight, who are you closest with?

“I don’t know if I could narrow it down to one person. Mae and I are super close as you can tell. I’m also pretty darn close to Peter Krause ,and I’m neighbors with Lauren Graham. We are also close. I don’t think I could say one for sure. I’ll hang out with Mae a bunch, and then she’s young and busy and she goes away to do stuff and I won’t see her for a while. Then Peter will be back, who lives in northern California, and he will be in town so we will hang out a bunch.”

Since you have great comedic timing, did you always want to have more of a comedic role on a show?

“No, I didn’t even want to be on television prior to doing this show. I thought I liked movies and being able to go to another town. I had the time of my life doing “Idiocracy” and I like going to new places and having new experiences. This just came up in a weird way. I had been writing something for Imagine Televison and they asked me if I wanted to be on the show and I said yes, why not? I didn’t have a goal. I get better results when I’m not aiming for something. This wasn’t even on my radar, and it’s turned out to be the best job I’ve ever had.”

Do you have a favorite storyline from ‘Parenthood’?

“I always liked when Peter and I have something that we’re fighting over. There’s no one storyline in particular, but I just know that Peter Krause for whatever reason pulls out the best in me as an actor.”

Were you always pulling for Crobsy and Jasmine to work out as a couple?

“This may be disappointing for fans, but I don’t have a vested interest in what happens for Crosby. I’m just excited to get to work and have them tell me what’s going to happen to Crosby. I don’t spend a lot of time fantasizing what happens to Crosby other than he gets another Ducati, because they made me sell that in season 2 and it’s such a shame I should be driving that on the show. Other than that, I’m open to whatever they throw at me.”

What type of music do you listen to?

“I have a very eclectic taste. I like outlaw country. Waylond Jennings is my favorite of all time and I like Hank Jr. If I had to pick one genre and listen to it the rest of my life, 70’s  R&B would be my absolute favorite. I directed a movie that comes out in August and you can see in “Hit and Run” all my musical tastes.”


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