We were able to interview the Mid-Summer Classic!
Go get “Good Times & Goodbyes” out now on iTunes!
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Robert Dobbs-Vocals
Eric Hebert-Guitar/Vocals
Aaron Trahan-Guitar
Dylan LeBlanc-Drums
How did you come up with the band name?
(Eric): The band name came around when myself and Aaron were starting the band and were going more of an electronic direction. However, we started writing music that we felt would be more suitable for a full band. I wanted to write music about things people can relate to such as love, friends, and growing up so I wanted a band name that also related to people. I thought of “The Mid-Summer Classic” because nearly everyone experiences a summertime “fling” that has become nearly a classic story.
If you guys were to describe yourself in simple word choice, what would you say?
(Dylan): As a band, I would describe ourselves as driven, outgoing, and determined. We know what we want and we will do whatever it takes to get it, while still having fun.
Do you guys have any other hobbies besides making music?
(Eric): When we are at home, I enjoy going for a long run in the evenings
(Aaron): I love to draw. I been drawing ever since I could pick up a pencil haha.
(Robert): I love cinematography and acting.
(Dylan): I really enjoy doing graphic design work, mostly for the band. Such as shirt designs, promo posters, and a bunch of other things.
How did you find Robert? (for Robert) Do you think it was a good idea to move to join the band?
(Aaron): I found Robert on YouTube actually. I was watching one of his YouTube covers and was immediately drawn on by his voice. So I showed his cover to the other guys and they all agreed we wanted to get him to come sing for us. So we shot him a message and made it happen.
(Robert): It’s been a great experience and I hope it never ends. Everything happens for a reason and here I am doing what I love.
What are your goals for this band?
(Dylan): We really just want to travel the world, playing music that we love, to people who love what we are doing.
What’s your process for writing?
(Aaron): I like to listen to all of my favorite bands and get my influences from them. then I try and take all their different sounds and blend it into one to make something unique.
How did each of you get into playing music?
(Eric): In high school, a friend of mine had brought his guitar to my house and I asked him to teach me how to read tabs online. After he showed me, I borrowed his guitar for a few days and started learning all of my favorite songs. I asked my parents for a guitar for Christmas, and I’ve been playing since
(Robert): I used to play video games a lot when I was 6 years old. One night my godfather saw me playing video games and realized that I was moving my fingers really fast. After that he decided to buy me a piano because he wanted me to use my hands for a better purpose. Thanks to him I’ve loving music since then.
(Aaron): When I was young my parents put me into piano lessons and did that for a while, but I didn’t really like it at the time. A few years later I picked up the guitar at a neighbors house and he taught me iron man. Ever since then I haven’t put the guitar down. I would also like to get back into the piano because it’s a beautiful instrument and also learn some other instruments.
(Dylan): My music started when I was in the 5th grade. My dad had bought himself a cheap pawn shop drum kit to keep at his house because he wanted to start playing again (he had a few bands as a kid). Then when his neighbors started complaining and calling the cops, he gave it to me to keep at my mom’s house and I’ve been playing ever since.
Do any of you have outside jobs? If so, how do you balance that with music?
(Eric): All of us have jobs outside of the band. It’s tough trying to balance a job with being fully committed to a band and it’s schedule, but thankfully all of our jobs are cool with letting us take off of work when needed.
Who’s all of your personal favorite bands/inspirations?
(Eric): I would have to say my personal favorite band is Augustana
(Robert): Jared Leto ( 30 Seconds To Mars ) Kurt Cobain ( Nirvana) and the Backstreet Boys.
(Dylan): Underoath has always been a huge inspiration for my music. That band is the reason I ever wanted to be in a band in the first place.
(Aaron):Mine would have to be Jimmy Eat World, Foo Fighters, You me at six, Paramore and Anberlin at the moment
What’s your favorite food to eat on the road?
(Eric): When on the West Coast, it’s a must that we stop at In-N-Out
(Aaron): Subway to try and stay healthy
(Robert): Caesar’s salad from Wal-Mart
(Dylan): I will have to agree with Eric on this one. We love In-N-Out.
What’s the best city that you have played?
(Eric): I found Denver to be one of my favorite places we played on tour
(Dylan): Denver and Seattle have been my favorite places thus far.
(Aaron): I would have to say the same as Eric. Its just a fun city and the people there are inviting
(Robert): Fresno, California
What’s one band/musician (dead or alive) you wished you could play a show with? Write with?
(Eric): I would love to play a show with The Script and write with Daniel Layus
(Robert): I would’ve loved to play with Kurt Cobain and write with Jared Leto.
(Aaron): I would love to play a show with the Foo Fighters or Linkin Park haha. I liked them when I first started playing guitar guitar and they are still at it strong writing good music so props to them. If I could write with some one it would probably be Dave Grohl because he has such a unique writing style.
(Dylan): I would really love to play a show with You Me At Six and write with Matt Goldman.