Interview with the Artist of the Week: Greg Raposo
Greg Raposo is no stranger to the music business. He grew up performing in front of an audience. Although he had some rough times, Greg recently released his second solo CD “Loss Love Life” and is back in front of the spot light where he belongs. Read our interview with him below and be sure to order “Loss Love Life” on iTunes. ‘That Day’ is sure to be a song you will sing along to in the car, while ‘Kimmy Kimmy’ will have you up and dancing!
Make sure to follow him on Twitter and Facebook!
Read our review of Loss Love Life here: Review
How did you originally get into music?
“I was always a ham. Whenever I put on a guitar or sang I’d get a lot of attention. I was really into it. That’s why I started. When I was nine I was on Star Search and when I won I got an agent and started doing things more professionally. I’ve been involved in the music industry ever since.”
Who are your musical influences?
“I listen to a lot of people like Gavin DeGraw, Marc Broussard, James Morrison, Jason Mraz. They all inspire and influence me.”
What is your favorite song off of your new album “Loss Love Life”?
“I don’t have a favorite song, only because each one is about something so different. It’s almost like trying to pick a favorite person or event. It depends on the occasion. I like listening to ‘That Day’ a lot in the car. I enjoy the feeling it has. ‘Tell Me More’ is my favorite to perform live.”
How did you come up with your ‘That Day’ music video concept?
“The song is really about everybody appreciating their life. I wanted other people to be a part of it. I came up with the idea with my producer Chris.”
Are you excited for you music video premiere?
“I am very excited. It’s actually my first music video other than the video I did with Dream Street. I never did my own solo official music video. I’m totally stoked.”
What is your favorite lyric or verse from ‘That Day’?
“There’s not much time to get this right, but now I find that’s just life.”
What is your favorite city to tour to?
“I love New York, because I was born and raised here, and my close friends and family always come to those shows. Aside from New York I love Chicago and Boston.”
Do you have plans to tour?
“This summer I’m doing a week tour. It’s a camp tour so it’s not open to the public. I would love to tour, but it depends on what opportunities come up. At the end of the day touring is very expensive and I can’t afford to just hit the road. I have a day job these days. At the moment no real plans to tour.”
If you could have a conversation with any musician dead or alive who would it be?
“Kurt Cobain.”
What is your craziest fan moment?
“Dream Street was at the mall and there were too many people there so we had to leave the autograph table. When we were leaving fans rioted. The fans started chasing us. Then security wouldn’t let Matt back in, because they didn’t know who he was.”
Who from your childhood music days do you still keep in contact with?
“Mostly everybody because of Facebook. The internet makes it so much easier to keep in touch with people.”
If you could pick one song to be your theme song what would it be?
“It would have to be my single ‘That Day’. It sums up the album and my life. The album has its up and downs. The sound effects on the album take you through a journey.”