Marianas Trench is the best thing to come out of Canada since Dudley Do-Right and Snidley’s mustache.
Ever After is the third record from the Canadian pop-punk super stars , and with this album they are making it clear that they have every intention to take the States by storm.
This is a concept album, which is something that the band is not new to considering their sophomore album ‘Masterpiece Theater’ was also one with a story. The story in ‘Ever After’, from what I could pick up anyway, is one of a man who is trapped in a toy word by the evil Queen Carolina, and he wants to find his way home. Along the way he faces major set backs, and of course, finds love. (It wouldn’t be pop without a love story…)
This album has it all. Singer Josh Ramsay has a very unique and powerful voice that makes girls fall in love and guys green with envy. The opening track, Ever After, starts out with a beautiful accapella run that will suck you in, and make you hang on to every word. The band does a great job of having various styles of music throughout the album, and sometimes even multiple style in the same song. The second song is called Haven’t had Enough and from the second it started playing I immediately thought of MTV. Listen to it, and you’ll see what I mean. But then there are songs like Stutter that have a Big-Band feel and make you just want to grab a girl and start swinging her around the dance floor. Or By Now and So Soon. These two are the songs that you listen to while snuggled up on the couch with your lover. Finally, the closer is called No Place Like Home. This 8 minute song brings in elements of all the other songs on the album, and finishes off the story. Even though it is long, it in no way drags on.
In closing, this C.D. is a must listen. It will make you laugh, smile, maybe even cry if you are super emotional. And Josh’s voice! That alone is reason enough to buy this gem from these Canadian pop-rockers.
Author:My name is Branden Brown! I from Florida, but I live in New York! I love to play and write music, and play basketball. I’m passionate about People, Music, Sports, and Jesus!. |