Call Me Anything is a pop band from Boston, Massachusetts. We were able to interview the two members Will Tenney and Matt Mcnulty. They have recently released their EP entitled ‘Celebrity’. Check out our interview below. For our full feature article with them check here.
How did you guys form as a band?
“Will was in a band for a long time called ‘White Rose’. It kinda started in high school, kind of was a fun thing between friends. Then after a while it got more serious, and towards the end of our career, we got approached by a management company called New Age Media, and they wanted to pick us up. Eventually we wanted to change our name, and change our line-up and change a few other things and that’s kind of how we were born.”
Whose your favorite band you’ve played with?
“I got to say, definitely Sparks The Rescue. They hooked us up with a really cool show in Connecticut. They are always very fun to play with. We actually played with them once before they were on a management, I don’t think they were quite as cool back then, but that was a very fun show.”
What’s your favorite lyric from one of your songs?
“I really like the bridge in one of our older songs called “Fakers and Photographs”. It’s our first track off our first record called ‘A Little Bit Better Than Yesterday.’ I don’t know if I like any of that song in particular, but the bridge in that songs. I was really stoked how it came out, I felt what I really said what I had to say and I felt like it broke the wall a little bit.”
If you could go on tour with any band that you haven’t yet, which band would it be?
“Well there’s a lot of bands I would really like to tour with, just really because I love them and that would be really cool. But, I would say, something good for our band. I think it would be really cool to tour with someone like The Wanted, or Hot Chelle Rae or something like that. That would be really fun and a good start to our career.”
If you could live one day over and over, what day would it be and why?
“That sounds horrible, I would not want to live any day over and over. Are you kidding me? I kind of want to say, recently we had a headlining show in Boston that was sold out and was pretty awesome. That was fun and pretty awesome, but also like days on tour when we’re just hanging out in the band and chilling with each other, that’s a lot of fun for me. The family aspects of the gigs is kind of why I like being part of this band. I mean maybe the headline show, maybe random nights on the road are always good too.”
Do you guys have any concerts coming up, or any touring plans?
“Currently, we actually for the first time in a while, actually don’t have anything that’s booked that’s announced so far. But we have a lot in the works and we have a couple shorter tours with a couple bands that we’re going to be announcing pretty soon for the summer. Some at the beginning of the summer, some at the end.”
Are you a fan of One Direction?
“Will: Yes I’m a huge fan. People are always saying that boys can’t like pop music and stuff like that, but that’s my business, that’s my work. So yeah that’s my thing. I’m actually a huge iCarly fan! One Direction “What Makes You Beautiful” is one of the best songs in 2012. So when you put iCarly and One Direction together it’s like a Will payday!
What’s your favorite track on your EP ‘Celebrity’?
“You know, I didn’t used to be this way but I have a newly found appreciation for the title track “Celebrity” actually. It’s super fun. I say when it first came out, my favorite track was “Over It” I really liked that song, but I think “Celebrity” is my new favorite.”
What made you guys want to make the documentary ‘Downtown Boston’?
“There’s a lot more that goes into shows especially headline shows that people don’t notice. So I think we wanted to make it for a couple reasons. It’s always cool to release something different. Stuff other than the normal updates. Also, we just really wanted to show people kind of the whole process and what goes into the shows, and kind of how our day goes that day. The stressful points of it and the fun points of it. Like the people going, they get up in the morning, they drive to the show, they wait in line, it’s over by the next morning. For us, if we have a Saturday show, the show starts for us like Thursday morning or Thursday night. We live in Boston, so we’re probably not playing in Boston, we’re probably playing somewhere else. We have to pack for the weekend, and get all our stuff together. Figure out how were going to pay for things like gas, food, and whatever problems we are going to run into. We have to find a place to sleep, because we’re probably not going to be in the area. We have to load in and load out. We got to figure out whose going to be working for us, whose selling merch, how much money we’re going to make. Whose setting merch out. It’s just a whole production that people don’t normally get to see.”
Whose your biggest musical influence?
“Matt:I have a lot of musical influences for a lot of different reasons. I mean, we constantly just are going through the top 40 artists and just looking at what they’ve done and learning from how they got to where they are. That would be pretty sweet if we were top 40 one day. But then I listen to a lot of different types of music. I really like a lot of hardcore stuff, I like Dubstep a lot, I have a lot of different influences. I don’t think I could really pick one.”
“Will: For me I obviously really like pop music, that’s my work, I say that all the time. But I grew up listening to punk bands like Blink 182, Starting Line, Midtown, Alister, bands like that, Something Corporate, that’s kind of what I grew up on.”
What’s your favorite movie and TV show?
“Matt:Favorite movie I would say is a tie between ‘Pulp Fiction’ and ‘The Boondock Saints’. Favorite TV shows? I watch so many TV shows, I watch more TV shows than anyone in this world! I just started watching Walking Dead, that show is sweet, but favorite TV show? I was always a Real World.
Will: iCarly is my favorite.”